
[AUDIO] La Diosa Oscura – Christian Ortiz, Ph.D.

[AUDIO] La Diosa Oscura – Christian Ortiz, Ph.D.
"Divinidades femeninas y el viaje nocturno del espíritu."

Black Madonna of Czestochowa by Lydia Ruyle

Christian Ortiz, Ph.D.
Psicólogo y psicoterapeuta, Master en religiones comparadas, Doctor en Filosofía de la Religión,  Sacerdote de la Diosa y Coordinador de la Fraternidad de la Diosa, Kourete de la tradición Diánica de Z. Budapest. Es miembro de la Fellowship of Isis (FOI), Conferenciante de la Goddess Conference, Certificado en sensibilización en Género (INMUJERES), Especialista y diplomado en prevención y atención de Violencia (UCC - ELPAC). Conductor del programa SABER SANAR.
Christian Ortiz, Ph.D.
Psychologist and Psychotherapist, Master in Comparative Religions, PhD in Philosophy of Religion, Priest of the Goddess and Coordinator of the Fraternity of the Goddess, Kourete of the Dianic Tradition of Z. Budapest. He is a member of the Fellowship of Isis (FOI), Lecturer of the Goddess Conference, Certificate in Gender Awareness (INMUJERES), Certified specialist in Attention and Prevention of Violence (UCC - ELPAC). Host of the SABER SANAR program.

La Diosa Oscura – Christian Ortiz [World Goddess Day Symposium]

The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info http://fraternidaddeladiosa.blogspot.mx/2017/08/free-on-line-world-goddess-day.html 
The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations. 

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